Frugal Food: Feeding a Family of Four – well – on £60 a week

T S Eliot may have been a brilliant poet but he didn’t know diddly squat about family budgets or late-stage capitalism and the hardships even relatively ‘comfortably off’ people suffer as they claw their way through debt-laden January. No, April isn’t the cruellest month, January is. It’s long, dark and hideously beset by money worries.

Feeding a family of four, tricky at the best of times – so and so doesn’t like mushrooms, not Spag Bol AGAIN, mum – becomes supremely challenging at this time of year. Forget running billion-dollar global companies, creating works of art or formulating political policies, the job of feeding a family of four, nutritiously and deliciously is the real tough job in January.

So, with just 60 quid to last me the week, here is my list of evening meal recipes which should provide enough protein, vegetables and – dare I say it – variety – for a fairly fussy family of four.

The recipes are based around some simple ideas: pasta, potatoes, onions, eggs, leeks, cabbage are all pretty cheap basics. Treats are a must and include my popular peanut butter flapjack, which provides delicious and filling ballast. Simply stir in two large tablespoons of unsalted crunchy peanut butter to the syrup and butter mix until a well-mixed smooth pale brown colour, then stir into the oats as usual. Chocolate brownies and home made apple cake are also welcome extras. We do not like to wear hair shirts in our family. I have also cheated – just once – in using leftover Christmas ham in one of the dishes.

Monday: Kedgeree: £8.00 (rice £2.00; kipper fillets £4.00; eggs: £1.00; store cupboard extras: £1.00)

Tuesday: Home made meatballs, mash and braised cabbage: £9.00 (minced beef: £4.00; potatoes: £2.00; cabbage: £1.00; store cupboard extras: £2.00)

Wednesday: Leek and Potato soup with cheesy garlic croutons: £5.00 (leeks: £2.00; potatoes: £1.00; cheese: £1.00; store cupboard extras: £1.00)

Thursday: Stuffed baked potatoes: £5.00 (potatoes: £2.00; cheese: £2.00; leftover Christmas ham; store cupboard extras: £1.00)

Friday: Pasta Carbonara: £9.00 (pasta: £1.00; cheese: £2.00; bacon bits: £2.00; eggs: £1.00; cream: £1.00; peas: £1.00)

Saturday: Potato, onion and red pepper omelette: £5.00 (eggs: £2.00; potatoes: £1.00; red pepper: £1.00; cheese: £1.00)

Sunday: Roast chicken, roast potatoes, parsnips, greens: £11.00 (free range chicken: £6.00; potatoes and parsnips: £3.00; greens: £1.00; store cupboard extras: £1.00)

Save the carcase, of course, for stock for next week’s soup.

Treats: peanut butter flapjacks: £2.50; home made chocolate brownies: £2.50; apple cake: £3.00

Total: £60.00

Store cupboard extras include: curry powder (for the kedgeree), glass of red wine (in the braised cabbage); dried fruit and nuts, butter, cooking oil, garlic, dried herbs, cocoa powder, onions, flour, stock and seasonings.