Home-made multi-surface cleaners

Cheaper than Mr Muscle and Better for the Fish too

Lemon, rosemary, lavender, bicarb: natural cleaners

Lemon, rosemary, lavender, bicarb: natural cleaners

The only downside of summer sunshine is that it cruelly exposes the slothful habits of winter: grimy work surfaces, dubious sticky patches inside food cupboards and hastily wiped hob tops. I have had a go at home-made furniture polishes and stain removers, however, the Holy Grail of domestic hygiene, the multi-surface spray cleaner, has, until now, eluded me. Shop-bought spray cleaners aren’t cheap – or certainly not as cheap as they should be considering they are mostly water. At a price range of £2.50 –  £4.50 per 350ml unit, depending on what brand you buy, these kitchen cupboard regulars are pound for pound more expensive than a bottle of decent Pinot Grigio. In addition, some of the synthetic fragrances are pretty revolting. So I tried making my own. Most recipes take just a few minutes. All worked out at less than £1 per bottle. Each recipe makes enough to fill a standard size 350 ml spray pump bottle (I keep used ones in my kitchen but if you need to you can buy from garden centres or kitchen equipment stores).

Recipe One: Lemon and lavender:

Lemon and bicarb are classic cleaning partners, the acid of the lemon and the alkali of the bicarb producing vigorous fizzing. Lavender essential oil not only smells divine but is a natural bactericide. Squeeze the juice of three lemons into a mixing jug and add three teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda. When the fizzing dies down, add one drop of washing up liquid, three drops of lavender essential oil and enough water to top the bottle (around one part lemon mixture to two parts water). Stir well and use immediately.

Verdict: A sublime natural scent of lemons and lavender made this spray a real joy to use. I made it in around three minutes at a cost of about 97 pence. It works well for wiping down lightly soiled work surfaces and dining tables but not heavy duty enough for tea and wine stains.

Recipe Two: Vinegar, rosemary and tea tree oil:

Put a sprig of rosemary into a saucepan and add about 150 ml of white wine vinegar. Bring to the boil, remove from heat and leave to steep until the vinegar is cool. Add three teaspoons of bicarbonate of soda, one drop of washing up liquid and about three drops of tea tree oil. Stir and pour into spray bottle.

Verdict: This both smells, and behaves in, a more businesslike manner. The astringent properties of the rosemary and antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties of the tea tree oil mean that this packs a powerful cleaning punch. The tea tree oil has a clean, camphorous scent and masks the vinegar.  The spray was more effective than the lavender and lemon mixture at removing cooking stains from my white melamine work surface. It even made short work of the build-up of grease and over-boiled coffee residue on the gas hob. Use cheap supermarket white wine vinegar and it comes out at around 87 pence.

Recipe Three: Vinegar, borax substitute and rose geranium oil.

Borax, a mineral compound, has been used for centuries as a cleaning agent. However it is an irritant and was recently listed as a ‘Substance of Very High Concern’ on the European Union’s list of restricted chemicals. Borax substitute is chemically similar to the mineral, but less of an irritant and is a compound of sodium bicarbonate and sodium carbonate. Essentially it is a more powerful version of bicarbonate of soda. I bought mine from Summer Naturals (www.summernaturals.co.uk) at £3.09 for 1 kg, which will last me about ten years. Rose geranium oil is a natural deodorant as well as being slightly astringent and antiseptic but you can choose whichever essential oil you like best. Sweet orange oil works well here too. Mix two heaped teaspoons of borax substitute with about 100 ml of white wine vinegar in a jug large enough to contain the quite fierce fizzing that ensues. Add one drop of washing up liquid, the essential oil of your choice and top up with warm water.

Verdict: The most powerful of the three spray cleaners, and I used it successfully all over the house, including the bathrooms. It is also the cheapest, costing less that about 60 pence to make, but you do need to order the borax substitute in advance.

All three are cheap, effective natural substitutes to shop-bought spray cleaners and if you keep the spray bottles, you will also save on plastic over the years. No more Mr Muscle.



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